Ce spun clientii nostri

Platforma RateParity pune la dispozitia hotelierilor un set de caracteristici si instrumente care inlesnesc cresterea numarului de rezervari directe, ceea ce duce la o rata de conversie mai buna si implicit venituri mai mari.

  • Leonardo Laura Beach
    300% Rata De Conversie
  • Amadria Park Hotel Andrija
    13% Higher Online Sales Transactions
  • Domes Lake Algarve
    17% Conversion Rate of bookings done via Rate Parity
  • Master Collections
    400% Rata De Conversie
  • Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort
    200% higher Direct Online Sales
  • St Raphael Resort & Marina
    18% Higher Online Direct Sales
  • Dreams Luxury Suites
    38% Rata De Conversie
+20% Vanzari Directe
+300% 300% Rata De Conversie

Leonardo Laura Beach & Splash Resort din Paphos, Leonardo Laura Beach & Splash Resort din Paphos, Cipru, este un hotel potrivit pentru familii, oferind peste 400 de camere si suite, toate dotate cu facilitati de ultima generatie pentru calatori moderni. Hotelul este administrat de Leonardo Hotels & Resorts Mediterranean. Cu o prezenta online puternica pe toate canalele de distributie disponibile, hotelul a folosit RateParity pentru a-si consolida avantajul competitiv si a inregistrat o crestere a vanzarilor directe totale si a ratei de conversie, in ciuda crizei cauzate la nivel mondial de pandemia de COVID-19.

Utilizand RateParity in 2020, hotelul a obtinut o crestere cu 20% a vazarilor directe fata de anul anterior. Rata de conversie a fost mai mare cu 300% utilizand RateParity.

Doamna Andrie Kleanthous Demostene
Sales & Marketing Manager pentru Leonardo Hotels & Resorts Mediterranean

„RateParity este un instrument integrat si usor de utilizat, care ne-a permis sa directionam cat mai multe rezervari catre website-ul nostru, evitand comisioanele tertilor si crescand venitul nostru mediu pe rezervare. Va recomandam cu caldura RateParity.”

Features implemented: Alerte Comparare Tarife Oferte speciale
+11% Direct Sales
11% Conversion Rate of bookings done through Rateparity
+13% Online Sales Transactions

Amadria Park Hotel Andrija is a kid-friendly hotel and its main purpose is to let families and their children enjoy their time in a delightful and inspirational manner. In fact, the property is the first children’s hotel in Croatia and includes all things favored by kids such as a Mini Club and creativity-sparking activities. The family-owned hotel has a solid and consistent online presence over many social channels and uses RateParity’s platform to boost its direct sales and has already seen an 11% increase in direct deals made through the website. There was also a 13% growth in online sales transactions and an amazing 11% conversion rate increase.

Ivan Tabula
Web & Analytics Manager at Amadria Park

“Integrating RateParity widgets on our site was one of the smartest business decisions we’ve made for our hotel. The user-friendly platform has helped drive more traffic and eventually more direct bookings. We’ve seen a dramatic increase in revenues ever since. RateParity is highly recommended for any hotel wanting to improve its conversion rates.”

Features implemented: Price comparison tool RateParity alerts Special offers
17%% Conversion Rate of bookings done via Rate Parity

Domes Lake Algarve is a five-star resort in the sun-kissed southern region of Portugal. It featuresa private lake, exclusive access to the extraordinary Praia de Falesia beach and high-end, luxurious accommodations suitable for both families and couples. Managed by the renowned Domes Resorts – this is their first hotel located outside of Greece.
During the first 4 months of our collaboration, Domes Lake Algarve has put RateParity’s powerful CRO tools to good use, increasing the conversion rate of bookings done via Rate Parity by 17%.

Marina Melidou
Head of E-Commerce Sales & Marketing at Domes Resorts & Reserves

“We continuously monitor the online landscape and research sophisticated ways to boost our direct bookings. RateParity has been a great asset, assisting us in increasing our conversions.”

Features implemented: Popups Price comparison tool Special offers
+60% Vanzari Directe
+400% Rata De Conversie

Master Collections by Leonardo Hotels ofera apartamente cu servicii de lux in inima mai multor destinatii selecte din Israel.
Compania foloseste intreg pachetul de instrumente de optimizare a ratei de conversie oferite de RateParity pentru a creste vanzarile online directe si pentru a imbunatati experienta si satisfactia utilizatorilor pe site-ul sau oficial.

In ciuda pandemiei de Coronavirus, utilizand RateParity, complexul a obtinut cu 60% mai multe vanzari directe online totale in 2020 fata de 2019. Rata de conversie a fost de peste 8% in octombrie-noiembrie 2020, imbunatatiand cu +400% rata de conversie a site-ului web.

Mr. Yuval Fattal
CEO & Founder Master Collections serviced apartments by Leonardo Hotels

„Am implementat RateParity pe site-ul nostru in versiunea in limba engleza si ebraica in 2020. Procesul de integrare a fost usor, rapid si simplu si am fost foarte surprins de impact. RateParity a crescut dramatic rata de conversie si rezervarile directe prin site-ul nostru oficial. „

Features implemented: Alerte Comparare Tarife Oferte speciale
+ 400% Spa Vouchers Sales
+ 200% Hotel Vouchers Sales
+200% Online Direct Sales

The adult-only natural but luxurious boutique hotel is located just an hour drive from the bustling town of Paphos. Despite its unique yet secluded location, the hotel has seen a tremendous rise of 355% in conversion rate since partnering with RateParity. One of its strategies was to maximize the option of vouchers and gift cards for its outstanding Spa. As a result, the hotel opened a new revenue stream by allowing guests and outside visitors maximize their spend on the hotel’s grounds. Since implementing RateParity’s widget on their site, AyiiAnargyri has seen a 200% rise in its online direct sales which is priceless.

Alexandra Panagiotou
Operations Manager at Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort

„Highly recommended ! RateParity excitedly help us increase our online sales. The widget also boosted the sales of vouchers and gift cards and also dramatically decreased the workload of the staff by taking over the entire process. The people of Rate Parity are true professionals , assisted us in each and every issue we encountered until the system was set up and running. I cannot praise them enough.”

Features implemented: giftcards Price comparison tool vouchers
+18% Online Direct Sales
9% Conversion Rate of bookings done through Rateparity
+17% Online Sales Transactions

The five-star award winning hotel in Limassol Cyprus has seen an incredible 465% increase in conversion rates since joining forces with RateParity. With an ideal location, luxurious amenities and uncompromisable service, the family hotel maximized its full potential by allowing direct sales via its website. In fact, by using RateParity’s distinctive and smart set of tools, St. Raphael Resort & Marina optimized its online direct sales by 18% and online sales transactions by 17%.

Andreas Perivolaris
Head of E-commerce at St. Raphael Resort & Marina

“RateParity facilitates the users to search, choose and book with ease and comfort. This unique characteristic of the widget helped the hotel to increase the conversion rate and ultimately the sales. A highly recommended tool for every type of property.”

Features implemented: Price comparison tool RateParity alerts Smart Notes
+25% Vanzari Directe
+38% Rata De Conversie

Santorini’s Dreams Luxury Suites din Imerovigli face parte din familia de hoteluri high-end, Aqua Vista Hotels, care ofera calatorilor paradisuri linistite departe de aglomeratia specifica uneia dintre destinatiile cele mai ravnite din Grecia.

Foarte apreciate de oaspeti pentru servicii, amplasare, decor, facilitati si nu numai, Dreams Luxury Suites si-au maximizat rata de conversie cu 38%, iar vanzarile directe si veniturile cu 25% folosind setul intuitiv de instrumente si caracteristici RateParity.

Domnul George Tsolakakis
Director de vanzari la Aqua Vista Hotels

„Au trecut aproape doi ani de cand am implementat widget-urile RateParity pe site-urile hotelurilor noastre. Decizia s-a dovedit inteleapta, in special pentru Dreams Luxury Suites. In acesti doi ani, am inregistrat o crestere de 38% a ratei de conversie, o crestere de 25% a vanzarilor directe si cifre similare pentru veniturile noastre directe. RateParity ne mentine prezenti si competitivi.”

Features implemented: Alerte Comparare Tarife